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Single review: L'Objectif 'Annual Event'

Founded in 2017, L’objectif (Louis and Saul) were then fresh faced 16 year olds with the dream of being part of the music industry, creating music whilst attempting to make sense of the emotional turmoil that all teenagers grow through.

Fast forward to July 17 and the Leeds post-punks released their second single 'Annual Event', with plans to release three more singles, before their debut album 'NEBEO' (Nothing Ever Begins Or Ends) - release date TBC.

If you're a fan of music that errs on the side of melancholy then you're going to love this track - I'm not going to draw comparisons because it's grossly unfair, but their music is as accomplished as some of the greats of this genre.

Opening up with a bass line that's going to shake your eardrums, it's interwoven with the most intricate guitars riffs and it's drumming is perfect - it compliments the rest of the instruments, without ever taking them over (the sign of a good drummer). Add to that a voice with such emotional purity it belies their youthfulness, then you have a band that are well placed to carry this genre of music into the next century!

I caught up with Louis from L'Objectif just before 'Annual Event' was released. "We wanted to release a song more mellow and melancholy after the release of our first single 'Another Day Another Fear'. Annual event was the song we felt fit that description. Partly inspired by the isolation I and everyone else had to endure during lockdown the song touches on loneliness and despondence. The title annual event relates to a yearly feeling of sadness and confusion that comes around almost like an annual event. It’s certainty not a happy song, but the juxtaposition of the summer vibes in the instrumentation and the sadness in the lyrics was something we found interesting.” he told me.

It's not a happy song, but these are unhappy times for a lot of us and with the release of 'Annual Event' L'Objectif have given us the perfect Zeitgeist for 2020.

8/10 - Wistfully beautiful


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