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Single review: Living Body 'I Do'

Living Body's 'I Do' is the second shortest single I've ever reviewed (shortest was 42 seconds) and as with that one this is pretty perfect in terms of sound, composition and above all the warm, fuzzy feeling it leaves you with.

With beautiful vocals and lo-fi indie riffs this song is over as soon as it starts and it most definitely leaves you wanting more!

Living Body, a project from Leeds including myself (f.k.a. Juffage), Katie Harkin (Harkin, Sleater-Kinney, Courtney Barnett), Tom Evans (Vessels), Alice Rowan (Mayshe-Mayshe) and Sarah Statham (Crake, Fig by Four).

The track is part of the second in a series of “Short Songs” compilations from their North

American record label, Vancouver-based Kingfisher Bluez, which features 12 songs on a 7-inch (!) and other artists such as Rose Melberg, Quiet Boy, U.S. Highball, 55 Deltic and Marlaena Moore.

The band say that the track is a sugar-coated critique of convenience capitalism and humanity’s inability to grapple with the control large tech companies such as

Amazon, Spotify, Google and Facebook hold over our lives. “While these corporations appear to make our lives easier, we are in no way fully aware how they are manipulating our psyches, preying on our insecurities and monitoring our every move to fatten their pockets. Amazon specifically can understand a person so well based on their online history that they actually have products picked out in warehouses ready to ship before they are even ordered.”

Their Spotify bio reads Living Body aims to exist in a world of skin and information overload in an era of confusion. In era where we're pushed to consume to nullify the pain of the fucked world we live in - theirs is an artform of refreshing authenticity!

If I could sum up how this song makes me feel in one word - Exalted!

For fans of Fleetwood Mac, Wandering Hearts, Martha Gunn, Bully, Georgie, Matilda Mann

Living Body pic credit Andrew Benge

Living Body

Dreaminisfree always has and always will be free. Any artists looking to collaborate with Dreaminisfree please email


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