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Single review - Butterjunk 'Woodside'

Butterjunk are a lo-fi indie trio who having met at Newcastle University have quickly established themselves as one of the bands to watch in the North East.

Their latest single 'Woodside' was released 15 September and despite it being released a month ago, and my getting to this gem a bit late, upon listening I could not let this track go without a mention.

The band have received a lot of hype having looked at their socials and based on listening it's easy to hear why. The guitar layers are stunning, the bass line is so understated but perfectly carries the track and those harmonies are to die for.

Being a Geordie in exile, this track makes me rather misty eyed and yearn for my home town. You know when you've been for a walk on a wind swept beach, you come home and the fires burning, you have your hot beverage and you're just satisfied with how fucking marvellous your life is, in that moment?! Well this is how this track makes you feel. It's just a really beautiful song, that invokes a feeling of calming strength.

“[Woodside] is a self-reflexive song inspired whilst I was looking back at a year of my life;

hints of this can be heard in the song structure, as this plays on the seasons” explains Ben

Ayres, singer and lyricist of Butterjunk. “The song very much alludes to a connection I felt

with nature – this starts off strong and kind of fades away as the song progresses, again

hinting at the subconscious influence of the seasons upon the writing process. I think the end result is quite a personal song where the lyrics, hopefully, speak for themselves”.

Describing this track in one word - Serene

For fans of Weedipus, Juliper Sky, Purple Heart Parade, Blushing, Life on Venus


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