
Sep 9, 20202 min

Single review - Robi Mitch 'Golden Hour'

Social media is often vilified for being a source of hatred, fake news and prejudice, it's not all those. Not all of the time. I've used it as a source to spread positivity, encourage others to live their truth in sharing my transition and also to connect with others around my passion and love of music - music is special in that it transcends all differentiators. It's about the connection we have with the song and how it touches us.

A few weeks ago co-founder of Reckless Yes records included me in a post about writers who work and write about music because we love music. Admittedly I'm only getting around to reading his email now but Bristol based singer songwriter Robi Mitch emailed me after seeing this tweet with his latest single 'Golden Hour', I'm so glad he did. His music is stunning.

I will open music when it's sent to me and if it connects I will write about it - its that simple.

I'm sitting here this morning having gone through something of a shift in terms of my own positivity towards myself and the universe, I've then opened this email. I firmly believe in the law of attraction and then the universe brought me this track. This is no coincidence!

I'm sitting at my PC and I'm moved to tears. I have this overwhelming sense of love, life and that everything is going to be ok. This song is the perfect message of letting go of all of your fears and your bad feelings moving on, it's exactly the kind of message I love. Beautifully structured this song is the perfect symphony of renewed hope and self belief. I love the 70's soul/folk vibe and Robi's voice is like a velvet hug from a friend you've not seen in a very long time.

It's not a one off either, as having listened to his back catalogue this guy has an incredible voice. He's a gift of something purely magical and Robi I hope you keep sharing your art - you have an incredible talent.

To sum the song up in one word - Floating!

For fans of Neil Young, The Doors, John Martyn, Foals, Michael Kiwunaku, Cautious Clay.

Robi Mitch






Dreaminisfree always has and always will be free. Any artists looking to collaborate with Dreaminisfree please email debbie@dreaminisfree.co.uk
