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Shine A Light Sunday: Novustory

Writer's picture: DreaminisfreeDreaminisfree

Novustory - Pic credit Nathan Ellerton

This weeks Shine A Light Sunday is no surprise if you see how much I interact with this band on socials. Novustory are not only one of the most talented (and I can't believe this) unsigned bands I know, they're also the kindest, funniest and amongst the most humble bunch of people I've ever met.

With a vocalist who would make Florence Welch have an inferiority complex; a drummer who's dedication to his sound and the overall technical production of their show is nothing short of remarkable; a guitarist who could walk into any mainstream rock band; and a bass player who aside from being a phenomenal guitarist, has a bass playing technique that any aspiring bass player should be listening to, then you have the perfect ingredients for a band that has the recipe to be headliners at Download Festival.

Some would accuse me of bias or even sycophancy given they're mates, but even if I hadn't met these guys on the first listen of their second single 'Monster' I was hooked. There was no turning back for me and their subsequent releases of 'Edible' and their latest single 'Fool', show that 'Monster' was definitely no fluke. First single 'Denial' has a bass line I can only dream of playing (for now).

The thing that I love about this band more than anything aside from their incredible song writing is that everything they've produced is nailed on perfection. Each song as different as the last, with each person bringing their A Game and perfectly compliment each other. There's no one up man ship with these lot - the songs are perfectly balanced with each element there to create something that the song needs. No unnecessary drum fills, guitar solos or vocal gymnastics - they always play what the song needs. No more, no less.

You would be hard pushed to find a better band who plays rock music in the north west right now.

Not only are they hard working musicians, Imogen and James also run Esche Haus Recording Studios in Blackburn. Using the first lockdown of 2020 to build their dream studio, they've built something truly stunning and have already had the likes of The Lottery Winners recording there.

Novustory fans (NovoSquad) also have a Facebook group similar to that of IDLES AF Gang. It's grown rapidly in lockdown and I've had so much support and friendship myself in 2020, that it's been one of the reasons I'm still managing to function in these crazy times. Each member supports each other, offers encouragement and more than anything we have a laugh - 2020 is so fucking depressing at times that we all need an escape and this group offers exactly that. They're not just a Facebook fan group, they're a family.

If you've not heard this band, then for the fucking love of good music I implore you to get them in your ears -they will blow you away!

The first time I saw them play live was in a function room above The Blossoms pub in Stockport (yes that one). They brought stadium rock, to a pub in Stockport - I was practically speechless. If you're still in doubt or unsure then go and watch a few songs of this video I took of that gig. You will be blown away!

Summing this band up in one word - Tremendous!

For fans of Royal Blood, Yonaka, Bang Bang Romeo, Metallica, Marisa and the Moths, Poppy, Deftones

Novustory - Pic credit Nathan Ellerton


Dreaminisfree has and always will be free - Any artists looking to collaborate with Dreaminisfree please email


©2022 Dreaminisfree 

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