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Dreaminisfree Introduces - Jack Rasmussen

Writer's picture: DreaminisfreeDreaminisfree

We all listen to music to alter our state of mind, or at least enhance it. For me music is about how it makes me feel. It's my emotional reaction to a piece of music, that compels me to first listen and then secondly drives my passion to write about it.

One of the best thing about being an independent music reviewer/blogger/tastemaker or whatever you want to call it, is being sent music of relatively new/lesser known artists. It's a real privilege to be able to bring to your attention artists whom you may have not heard of, but who's talents have struck a chord on listening to them.

To that end I've revamped an old feature of mine (Shine A Light Sunday), to a newer feature simply titled as above.

I first encountered Jack's music a few weeks ago around the release of his latest single 'In A Different Light' and was so moved by the raw emotion in the track, that I went and listened to his previously released tracks 'Broken Youth' and 'City Road. Turns out this lad has that gift every great song writer does. I hear the music and I can hear the words reflecting on my own life.

To get to know a bit more about who Jack is I caught up with him last week to chat about music, his latest single and his hopes for the future.

How would you describe your sound to someone who hasn’t heard your music before?

I would say it’s soft acoustic Indie Rock, most of my tracks have a personal edge to them. It all tends to be heartfelt stuff. It must mean something to me when I write.

Who are your main musical influences?

I try to listen to a range of music, but I think in terms of influencing my writing I’d have to say artists such as James Morrison & Paolo Nutini who I listened to relentlessly in my teens. It’s only in the past couple of years I’ve started listening to them again. I love The Verve and bands like The Smith’s too. I’m pretty influenced by the whole Brit-Pop scene and how could I forget Fleetwood Mac. I could keep going on.

Which artist or person has inspired you most in your career in music?

Wow, that's a tough question. Probably have to say James Morrison, he was the first artist that really got me into music years ago, his voice is pure soul. My music gets compared to him a lot. It’s probably because I listened to his first couple of records repeatedly growing up ha-ha.

Your latest single ‘In A Different Light’ is such a moving track. I understand that it was the first solo song you wrote. Were you nervous when you started writing, or did it just flow ?

Yeah, it’s an emotional one. I’d written songs previously for my old band so I wouldn't say I was nervous. But this one really did flow; I knew what I wanted to say. Everything fell on the page when writing it.

You recorded the track with John Martindale who's worked with local artists like Maximo Park and The Pale White - bands who I absolutely love too. What was it like working with him?

John’s by far the best producer I’ve worked with, everything is a super easy process with him. I’m so lucky to record with fantastic musicians also (Josh West & Liam Cooke).

Which North East artists would you like to support in the near future?

I’m really into Sam Fender at the minute, his new single ‘Spit Of You’ is fantastic. That might not be soon, but we can dream of supporting him. Luke Royalty from Darlington close to where I’m from is doing well, he’s got a unique sound, definitely going places.

You've had the experience of being in a band and then going solo. If someone was reading this and going through the same experience could give them a word of advice?

I guess just graft as much as you can, it’s a tough industry. But also enjoy the process too, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. That’s what I’ve learnt over the past few years anyway.

And finally what's next for Jack Rasmussen? New music, a tour?

Next single is ready to go, well excited about this one too. I’d love to tour if the opportunity was there but just literally play as many shows as I can for now. Hoping to get down to the North West once I’ve played a bunch of shows up here in the North East.

Dreaminisfree always has and always will be free - Any artists looking to collaborate please email


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